a brief summary of human invention, from stone-tools to blockchain and beyond
Below, you’ll find some of hominids most notable inventions, roughly in the order they were invented. You might be quite surprised to find that money might precede even stone tools.
Blockchain, a quick note: as explained in my previous article here https://goo.gl/sxDsef can serve as a revolutionary protocol in the 6th evolution of money- technology. That’s just the beginning, for blockchain.
In the invention list below, you’ll note that the time between these huge advancements seems to gets exponentially smaller as time goes on, in each stage. For example, in the end of the list below, we don’t even note myriad classes of inventions related to lasers, fiber optics, satellites, mobile phones, digital cinematography, and so on, yet as much or more advancement takes place in each successive stage as the previous one.
Money (*1), stone-tools and the knife (3.3M BCE, pre-human), controlled fire (1M BCE), geometry (70k BCE, scratched shapes), art (60k BCE, cave art), religion (40k BCE, ceremonial cremation burial), time (35k BCE, Africa and France), music (20k BCE, bone flutes), agriculture (21k BCE, middle-east), rope (30k-5k BCE), bow-and-arrow (30k BCE to 1000 CE and later),
balance scales (5k BCE), the wheel (4000 BCE), numbers (3400 BCE, Mesopotamia), writing (3100 BCE, Mesopotamia), the dam (3k BCE), soap (3000 BCE), papyrus (3000 BCE), literature (2600 BCE, Mesopotamia), mathematics (2000 BCE, Pythagorean triples), science (1600 BCE, Egyptian medical textbook), philosophy (600 BCE), plumbing (2700 BCE Indus Valley to Romans), roads (250 BCE, Romans), the screw (235 BCE), the lever and the compound-pulley (230 BCE, Archimedes) glass (3500 BC, 100 BCE.. 1290, 1688, 1902, 1959), waterwheel (25 BCE), magnetic compass (83 CE, China), paper (105 CE, China), cement (205, Italy), “0” (810, India, Iraq), gunpowder (850 China, 1261 France),
steam engine (1700s), telephone (1876), electrical generation (1820s, Faraday), lightbulb (1879) the printing press (3000 BCE to “movable types” in 1439 BE), radio (1894), flight (1907), radar (1935), general relativity (1915), television (1920s), space flight (1961), personal computers (1980s),
commercial internet (1995+), AI milestone (1998, Deep Blue), blockchain (2009) (*3), cryptocurrencies (2009), Hashgraph (2017), CoTrader (2017)
references include: https://goo.gl/UzVXp2
(*1) Money might not be a human-only phenomenon. Even animals do bartering (mostly trading goods such as food for other food or sex), and in the lab, at least, they’ve even been taught to price and use currency (that doesn’t have intrinsic value), as medium of exchange: Read more fascinating and illuminating analysis here:
Learn more about this topic here: https://medium.com/@garybernstein/a-brief-history-of-distributed-ledger-technology-and-enormous-disruptive-potential-415ba7fba1d7