A brief history and future of humanity: evolution: monkey-men to blockchain: AI gods & singularity; man-made intelligent design.
In the Beginning: It turns out that if you take some hominids and upgrade their language and story-telling skills a bit, they’ll start discovering and inventing things at an exponentially increasing speed (*7): money, stone-tools, controlled fire, geometry, art, religion, time, music, agriculture… numbers, writing, mathematics, science… printing press, radio, flight, general relativity, television, space flight, computers… the internet, AI, blockchain (*3), cryptocurrencies.
Now, soon, the ability to create AI — non DNA life forms — with intelligence exceeding our own, that will upgrade themselves ad infinitum at exponentially increasing rates.
It’s estimated that by 2045 (*2), we will be able to upload our minds to “the cloud” (computers), and thereby end death, recreate dead people at will, and change ourselves or create anything at all, as we wish, inside virtual realities more “realistic” and detailed than our own; In short, our future is man-made “intelligent design”.
True Intelligent Design, it turns out, is not the religious attempt to align science and religion, but also happens to be a probable prophesy of the future, and perhaps even the story of how creation, especially if we do live in a computer simulation, came into being.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that “God” — a man in the sky — is watching or caring or involved in what exactly happens to us, beyond the big-bang. But given the quantum physics uncertainty principle, you can’t be too sure that’s not the case either, since quantum mechanics breaks determinism. Together with Chaotic systems, non-determinism leaves significant room to tamper with what would otherwise be fate, set in stone at the first second of the big-bang, or before. Anyhow, the point is that we don’t need to love religion, but we don’t need to waste time arguing against it, either. We have an amazing journey ahead of us. Let’s enjoy and interact with this amazing contradiction we call the universe.
The new secular scientific-futurists are, ironically, busy working towards becoming creative gods of our future worlds — heavens of our own design. This is not an anti-religious idea either. Scriptures say God “made us in His image”. Well, we’re working towards attaining His infinite power, in His image. So, God/Bible-lovers, welcome aboard. You say the “end of the world” is near, and a new Heaven awaits. Those in the scientific-futurism community call this new coming world, the Singularity. They say “The Singularity is Near”. Same same. Don’t fight over semantics. It helps to stay focused on the goal, not the obstacles. Some aspects of the Singularity should be very much like the prophecy of Heaven: reunite with dead loved ones, bend reality to your will, and live forever, if and as you like.
In any case, here’s a helpful motto: get to work; build the future you desire, starting from exactly where you are — where you will only ever be — here and now.
I’m hard at work on a revolutionary platform that uses our advanced custom cryptographic protocol to extend what’s never before been possible to do in the field of social-trading.
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— More fascinating details below —
(*0) Stone tools pre-dates earliest known humans: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-32804177
(*1) Money might not be a human-only phenomenon. Even animals do bartering (mostly trading goods such as food for other food or sex), and in the lab, at least, they’ve even been taught to price and use currency (that doesn’t have intrinsic value), as medium of exchange: https://amp.azcentral.com/amp/72019152.
Money, however central to human and animal societies, has only had 6 technological innovations, from: 1) bartering 2) currency (sea shells, gold, etc) 3) paper notes 4) credit cards 5) payment gateways (e.g. paypal), and now 6) without any central issuer, but using a cryptographically-secured distributed public ledger (CDPL) technology such as blockchain (*3) cryptocurrencies, e.g., bitcoin (*4).
(*2) Ray Kurzweil (Google’s Director of Technology) — “The Singularity is Near”
(*7) Increasing rate of technological advancements with blockchain focus: https://medium.com/@garybernstein/brief-summary-of-human-invention-from-stone-tools-to-blockchain-and-beyond-5eaf469a3baa